I apologize if something in the instructions was unclear, it certainly wasn’t my intention.
It seems like maybe you misunderstood the challenge, or very possibly I’m misunderstanding what the confusion is.
If you believed the challenge asked you to simply change everywhere it said “name” to instead say “state”, that wasn’t what I was asking students to do in this challenge. I did say to change the variable name from name to state, but then said “and update anywhere in the component that refers to name”.
My intention with this instruction was to have students make whatever changes are necessary in the code to reflect the new state variable, which we changed from a string to an object with a name property. (From "Joe" to { name: "Joe" }).
In this and all my courses, as the course progresses, I always intentionally make my challenges more and more vague. It’s my way of ensuring that students are using their newly-gained knowledge and exercising their intuition to solve challenges. My purpose as an instructor is never to hold someone’s hand the entire way. Much like learning to ride a bike, I’ll support students more early on when it’s needed, then slowly let students try things on their own and exercise their curiosity. Eventually, towards the end of the courses, my challenges are very vague and expect a lot of thought and work from students. Assuming they haven’t just been skipping challenges along the way, I believe most students are able to complete those more-challenging challenges.
However, if I misunderstood where the confusion was, I’m happy to listen to suggestions on a better way to present the challenge so it makes sense to more people!