I tried removing and adding the react and react-dom dependencies again and the error seems to disappear for the lesson. Try that for yourself! This seems to be current fix people are using temporarily on the scrimba discord “general” channel.
I just signed up for Scrimba last night and already had this happening then, I thought something was going on with my computer! Tried out 4 different browsers and restarted computer but still nothing.
I submitted a bug report earlier and updated it with this thread too, hopefully it’s nothing major.
Hi Natasha, it should be working now - they responded to my report saying the dev team fixed the bug and to clear the cache and/or try a different browser when trying again.
I had to clear the cache before it worked again, but I did so on both Firefox and Brave and now it’s working fine on both. Definitely let them know if it’s still not working for you after though.