Hi there, I’m experiencing problems completing the Tailwind course this morning. It was working all fine, and then recently (in the past hour?) whenever I try submit my solution and refresh the page to see the changes, the style goes missing. I went back to previous exercises in the course where I was able to submit all ok, and even those now are not working either. I’ve tested accessing this course via diferent browsers and devices, but unfortunately none of them works.
Hey @prifinkler, we had some platform issues over the past 24 hours so this might have been the cause. We rolled out some fixes so hopefully that patched up some critical errors. Are you still running into the issue?
Hi Roku, thank you for getting back to me. I’ve just tested, and the error message is still there unfortunately: "Error: Failed to load script tag with src=“https://cdn.tailwindcss.com/”. This happens whenever I try to refresh the inbuilt browser, which means then all the style goes missing. Any ideas?
Hm weird. Could you link me to a scrim that you’re having this issue on? I’ll check what’s going on there.
Hello, I’m having the exact same issue on the same course. Whenever I make any change, I get this :
Hiya, apologies for the delay in getting back to you. I’ve just tested it again now and everything seems to be in order here, tailwind loading as expected.
Thank you so much!
Hey Roku, sorry I celebrate a little too soon! I was able to finish the section I was working on, and the tailwind loaded all ok, but when going back to the main Tailwind course content page, it doesn’t let me access the other sections anymore. It only shows the 'How to utilize your certificate" bit unfortunately. Any suggestions on how to access the rest of the course?
Hey @prifinkler, really sorry, missed this message! We rolled out some patches since then and this issue was noted so hopefully it’s fixed up. Let me know if there are still issues with it.
Hi Roku, apologies for the delay in getting back to you. All sorted, thank you so much!