I have paid for Pro and I’ve almost finished all Javascript courses.
Even though I have finished all FreeCodeCamp certifications and finished almost all Scrimba courses, I am still not proficient enough to understand a lot of challenges. I’m not saying that this is your fault, everyone has their own pace but the questions are too hard!
One question that made me stop and write on Reddit and here after countless bad questions is this:
Access the DOM and insert the URL you got from the
API as an image `src` property (probably easiest if
you create the image completely here in the JS and add
it as the innerHTML of another element on the DOM)
It only makes sense A LITTLE after getting the answer. I’m not seeing anywhere to add “data.message” or to add “image-container”.
Anyway, a lot of challenges are like this. It’s not clear enough what you’re asking of me and then I get discouraged and have no energy left to continue.
Thanks for the feedback @b4scul3g10n. Might be that adding more context to the challenge and express the question clearer can help with this. Your question you showed can be improved on to be clearer such as
Use JavaScript to create a new <img> element dynamically.
Set the src attribute of the <img> element to the URL you received from the API.
Find the target element in the DOM where the image should be displayed.
Insert the <img> element into the target element. You can do this by either: Setting the innerHTML of the target element to include the newly created <img> element. Or appending the <img> element directly to the target element using DOM manipulation methods like appendChild or append.
Our challenges should usually be in this structure so I’ll need to raise it with the teaching team to assess it.
Thank you for your time. If there was a system in place that checks my answer and hints me towards the right answer it would be a bit more easier but until then, I believe that clearer questions will do the trick.
We’ve actually got this in the works so we’re keen to get this out soon. We’re planning to have an AI checker that we’ve built to check and also provide more context when our students are attempting the challenge.
That’ll be great! Depending on how we’re going to ship it, might be pushed lived if we’re happy with it. But if we open up for closed testing, we’ll let our community know for sure.