A Question Regarding Zipfiles

Hello, I just finished personalizing the “Counter” app under “Making Websites Interactive.” In the video, “Personalize and Download your App”, Treasure was saying that when you download your zipfile to your computer and unzip it, that it’s important to delete certain files (which I have not been doing) such as package.json and config.js (mine says vite.config.js) before uploading to Github or Netlify. I’m quite the newbie, so I am assuming that also includes the Readme file? I’m also wondering why then are those files there if we don’t need them? I’m curious. I like to know what I am dealing with and I am always afraid to delete files if I don’t know what they are for. Thank you.

Hi @Margaret_Martin,

Really sorry about this missed post! Slipped through the cracks. Going to tag @Tom_Chant in here since I think he can explain this better than I can. Hopefully you got the information you needed @Margaret_Martin, but would be good for us to reply here to explain it more for others to reference.

Great question! When you download a project from a Scrim, you get some files which you might not need. This is because a Scrim can handle everything from a simple HTML file to a whole complex React project. In the early stages of the career path where you are now, the projects are using just HTML, CSS and some JavaScript. These files don’t need any special treatment when they are deployed. To view your app locally you can just save them in a file on your desktop and open index.html in a browser.

As you continue through the career path and start learning React, the projects will be much more complex and they use a number of external files that work behind the scenes to make the app function. The readme files is a super brief explanation of how you can install these external files, and files like vite.config.js are configuration files that control how the project works when it is outside of Scrimba. At the moment, you don’t need this and later you will learn more about it - and although it all sounds complex it is actually not too bad.