Cannot Instantiate OpenAI Object

Hello All. Thank you for having a look at my problem.

Here is a screenshot of a scrim wherein an attempt to instantiate an OpenAI object fails:

If the line whereon the instantiation attempt occurs is commented out then all is well.

Here is a link to the scrim: OpenAI Problem

I do not know how to proceed. Any insight will be much appreciated.

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Hey @verticon, could you run the code again and also have your developer console in your browser opened up? I wonder if there are more comprehensive errors that are logged out, which usually is the case.

Hello @roku,

Thank you for having a look and for the browser javascript console tip.

However, when I run the code this morning all is well. Huh? AFAIK I have not changed anything. But it must be me somehow, right? Jeez! Sorry for the needless bother.

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Possibly could be an issue when we do an update to our platform and it conflicted with your code. But good to hear it got resolved!