Embedding scrim error

Hi! When I try to run the scrim for Embeddings and Vector Database I get the error: !

TypeError: Failed to resolve module specifier “openai/core.mjs”. Relative references must start with either “/”, “./”, or “…/”.

I am not super familiar with js, I tried, but I suspected maybe the path to the config.js is faulty, i modified that then I got:

SyntaxError: The requested module ‘config.js’ does not provide an export named ‘openai’

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Hi @czadam,

Would you be able to supply a scrim link or paste your current code here? It might be an importing issue but I can check.

Hi Roku,

Could you help me with an API issue mentioned just below this content? I started subscribing Scrimba a few days ago, but I can’t proceed with the AI Engineer path and am stuck on the first component due to API key issue.

Thank you!

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Hi. This was the scrim that gave me an error, I simply tried to run the example code without any modifications. Weirdly enough, when I tried again today, it worked: Learn to code with Scrimba

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Hey @Love, is this the same problem in your other post? Just replied to you there, can continue to help you on that.

@czadam We have recently got some random errors that we have no idea at first glance and then gets cleared up with an update we do. Let me know if the issue pops up again.