Cv / resume/ portafolio

Where can I get a review or feedback for my resume and portfolio?

While we don’t have a direct resume review process, we can give some insight and tips on things you can possibly improve. You can post a version of your resume here if you’re comfortable and remove any personal details (name, image, address etc…) and we can have a look at the structure of things.

There’s also things like Resume Checker: Get Instant Resume Score With Our Grader | Kickresume which you can use to give a quite rundown of your resume. I’ve used something like this in the past and it was pretty helpful!

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So helpful. I appreciated it.
Here my cv for any feedback.

  • Grouping skills into categories like ‘Programming Languages’, ‘Frameworks & Libraries’, and ‘Design & UX’ could make your skill set more digestible at a glance.

  • If you have any big online courses , like our career path for example, or maybe another cert from Google, it would be good to add that in your education sections too if relevant. You can add it under a “Certifications” section too if you want.

  • In your projects, considering using bullet points to further add specific details and achievements within each project, making sure to quantify your impact when possible (like “landing page targeted for XYZ users” or "Restaurant reservation system built with React/Vanilla JavaScript/Angular. The system handles accounts creation, reservation modification, and email confirmation). Not sure if your app does these things, but I’m highlighting adding some more keyword details to your project section so it gets picked up more easier with resume scanners.

I would use this as a base template and then slightly modify your resume as you go depending on which job you’re applying for and it’s requirements. For example if your research a place you’re applying to uses React as their main framework, you can add in the word “React” somewhere suitable in your resume (to a certain extent if you actually learnt it).

Here’s some additional reference that you can use to tailor your resume: 13 Software Developer Resume Examples for 2024 | Resume Worded

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You should use a site like for templates for ur resume I feel like it’ll help your resume pop out more, especially because you can also write your resumes using html and css

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