From the JS Building a Mobile App lessons, I would like to delete/clear the value of the Firebase Database from the ShoppingList
every 24 hours. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to find a Firebase method that takes a snapshot like onValue
So, I created my function as below. The full code is in the repo.
//save FB DB locations in array
let DBLocations = [];
//this function is from the course
function appendItemToShoppingListEl(item) {
let itemID = item[0];
let itemValue = item[1];
let exactLocationOfItemInDB = ref(database, `shoppingList/${itemID}`);
let newEl = document.createElement("li");
newEl.textContent = itemValue;
newEl.addEventListener("dblclick", function () {
//clear DB every 24 hours
if (DBLocations.length > 0) {
setInterval(clearDB, 86400000);
function clearDB() {
for (let item of DBLocations) {
DBLocations = [];
I’m wondering if there is better way to clear the database in Firebase? The above code appears to work.