Invoice Creator - Reducing Task's Dollar Amount from Total Invoice Total

Hello All! I am able to delete tasks, however, am having trouble reducing the dollar amount of the deleted task from the total upon deleting that task. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Invoice Creator (

Sorry @uconnwbball, missed this post!

So I think you’re just removing the deleted task from the DOM and not actually from the array itself. Could you have another look and see if you can find a way to remove it from the array and then render the array totals again?

Hi Roku! I see what you are saying–even after I remove the deleted task from the DOM, it is still in the totals array! I think I need to create a function that takes in the id of the task to delete as a parameter, and then removes it from the array. I was able to make all tasks objects, with a random ID and total$ properties, and I updated the reduce function so it still calculates the grand total correctly. I started a removeItem() function, but am not sure how to get it working.