Hi, I’m having an issue typing code or doing the exercises. Before the update, I clicked the screen on the line of code I wanted to edit or where I wanted to add code to complete an exercise but now that isn’t working. And I can’t complete the exercise or type code on the scrim. What do you suggest I do or am I doing something wrong?
Hey @mi_a, could you please let us know what browser you’re using? I recommend to test it out on other browsers to see if the issue persists.
I was using chrome but tried it on another device and it works now. Thanks for the response!!!
I am currently having this issue. Tried on two different laptops and using Chrome and Edge on both. Any idea what to do when just switching over to a new browser doesn’t help?
And it is not with just one scrim.
Hey @Sidd.Valicharla, I think our engineering team is got escalated this issue from one of your support tickets and seeing what’s going on here.
Really odd behaviour, especially when you’ve tested it out on both different devices and browsers. Does the “skip” or “submit solution” button do anything when or are they unresponsive too?
Hi Roku,
No issue with Skip, Submit, Resubmit, or Play, Pause or Next buttons
See video attached
Thanks for the recording @Sidd.Valicharla. We’re looking into this now and our engineering team is reviewing your looms. Will get back to you soon.
okay … i was using a off market docking station and was wondering if it was causing issues.
so I unplugged my laptop from it, connected my mouse directly to the laptop and lo and behold the scrim became editable.
The other thing is my laptop is the yoga kind - so when connected to docking station it is inverted like a tee-pee and the keyboard is on the back. Not sure if that postion renders some cursor activity, altjough the mouse pointer itself moves.
Check video
I reviewed my set up - it is not the docking station.
It is the inversion of the laptop. Once I invert it - to set it up like a tee-pee and use it as a second monitor. Scrim edit features go away.
Now I mentioned that I tested this on two laptops - and both are actually Lenovo Yoga laptops and both are inverted to make them an additional monitor on the side. So I guess I can’t use the laptop in an inverted position if I want to edit the scrims!!
What a doozy this was!
so I can’t use it like this, it has to be keyboard side down and monitor side vertical to the ground/desk!!!
Oh interesting! Good to hear it works now, also good for us to know about these device quirks.
I am also having issues completing the course. Unable to click or highlight to change scared to excited. I do get this screen come up. I am on a fire table. My settings let me toggle from mobile to desktop on their browser. Can you let me know are the courses able to work with an amz fire tablet? Maybe i need a stylus? Thank you in advance.
Hey @Fru, while we haven’t fully tested on the AMZ Fire tablet there is a high chance there are interactivity issues with it too. If it’s not using the normal Windows or MAC operating system, there’s most likely problems since we haven’t looked into the incompatibility for these yet.
Though your screenshot looks like its showing the right click menu so there’s some interactivity there. Does this tablet have a left and right click function? Maybe it does work but for some reason you’re activity the right click option when interacting with the editor.
I’m also having issues with scrims on my Galaxy Tab 9 Ultra. I’ve tried multiple browsers, changed the rotation, used a mouse, used the pen, and I can’t get it to edit a scrim. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I think this might be a device incompatibility issue. We’ve had tablet problems for a while now unfortunately. Are you even able to pause the scrim and enter “edit mode” or is there no interactivity at all?
For anyone using a Surface Pro and is having this issue - I was having this issue too and realised it was due to the surface pro keyboard being off the device. I usually use the surface pro docked into my monitor with a keyboard connected to the dock. Once I snapped the surface pro keyboard back on the device, the editor started working again!
This helped! In my case i had connected my Surface Pro to a dock which resulted in this issue. The fix was to detach the surface pro Keyboard and snap it back. Cheers