Mildly experienced devs going through the career path

Hey everyone,

When I signed up for this course I already had a fair amount of experience with HTML and CSS and understood some javascript concepts. That being said… this course has been invaluable for me as I had never had such structured lessons about web development before hand! I’m just wondering how other developers coming into this with some experience have found the lessons… especially if you’ve already completed the path!? I feel way more confident in my abilities at 70% through the courses. Hoping it will pay off in the end!


I had some experience in HTML, CSS and JS when I started the path (had tried numerous udemy courses, freecodecamp etc) and nothing really stuck, but yeah, I agree. Something about the way it was structured really worked for me. Like I can say that I never really understood flexbox and grid until I took the CSS course on scrimba, so that one for sure was really well done.

I think for me, having smaller chunks of course vs. 2 hour long youtube tutorials was invaluable in keeping me going. It was easier to say I was going to watch 2-3 scrims a day vs. a very long video.


I’m using Flexbox way more than I ever have and it now seems to be my go to for layout. I’m still a bit shaky with grid but I do feel better about that too. For me, Javascript was awesome! I especially enjoyed learning about targeting event listeners via datasets.

I agree about the way they have put together their lessons… I always feel excited about what I’ll learn from them next.


I think the formula of 2-5min chunks couples with muscle memory exercises did the trick.
And of course, the real world experience of the teachers made HTMLS, CSS and JS looked so easy to apply.

Doing the Christmas challenge daily serves as reminders of past lessons and new lessons learned.


Always had (and still having) troubles with CSS :sweat_smile:
I tried to learn it 100500 times with different courses by now and know quite a lot of it, but can hardly create something really worth by myself :laughing:
Just started the career path and already feeling some results (hope not to scary this luck away :slight_smile: And, yes, as Banjamin mentioned above, it probably comes from all these countless muscle memory exercises :joy:

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@artwired Happy to hear that the Career Path is working well for you and improving your confidence! I’m sure your efforts will indeed pay off!

@kittywizard I agree (although admittedly I might be biased). Watching 3x 5mins scrims feels more manageable than 1x 15min vid and it’s easier it to fit learning around other commitments.

@Benjamin_Canlas Glad to hear that you were able to apply your new knowledge in the Christmas challenges. Did you have any particular favourites?

@Oleg_II That’s great that you’re already feeling the benefits of the Career Path. Would you be interested in some daily CSS challenges if we ran them?


Hello, Leanne!
Well, not sure if it will be useful (and interesting) for me to solve abstract challenges like “create a triangle using only flexbox” or “use absolute positioning to make this cup of coffee”. I’d prefer more training with components like headers, sidebars, menus, modals, product cards, etc. And more repeating kind of exercises and learning “best practices” than inventing my own bicycle (that could be done later on).
But anyway, thanks for the suggestion.


That makes sense. How about things like:

  • Expanding search bar
  • Loading animation
  • Word carousel

Do these sound interesting/useful?


All those sound good! :slight_smile:
I think a lot of students would benefit from it. Maybe you should have some kind of poll?
(Actually last two points sound more like JavaScript to me :wink:
As for me personally, I’d prefer a series of lesson (from Per - liked his teaching style consise and with a lot of muscle memory exercises :slight_smile: about “basic building blocks” (website components) like I mentioned above:

  • a few examples of headers, starting from simpler ones to more robust (including burger menu and search bar);
  • a few examples of modals-notification toasts with or without forms and different kind (text-image) or amount of content;
  • sidebars static or opening, with menu and a couple of ads;
  • product cards with different view (has or doesn’t have images, descriptions, price and/or additional information), controls for adding to the cart (like in Bootstrap);
  • footers with additional site navigations;
  • general layouts for websites (like a grid for header-main with sections and sidebars-footer);
  • etc.
    And I’m more interested in markup lessons (my JS skills are a bit better then HTML-CSS ones :slight_smile:
    Of course, all these are just my personal preferences at the moment and may change in some period of time. And it may not be the priority for Scrimba team right now. You are doing great work already!

Great! Thank you for the ideas and feedback. We’ll spread the word far and wide if we do go ahead with this kind of content. Do let us know if anything else springs to mind!


How about some kind of CSS/HTML5 animation pathway!? Would love to get more comfortable with UI animation :man_mage:


I like those ideas too :slight_smile:

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There is a CSS animations course on Scrimba :art:

Also, not specifically about animations, but these two courses might be of interest to you. They both dive deep into creating highly-polished, professional sites:


Oh, that’s great! I missed this one… I will definitely do that course. Thanks Leanne!

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Glad to have helped - just reach out if you have any other Scrimba requests or queries!