New Course: Advanced JavaScript

My 10-hour Advanced JavaScript course has just landed!

It has 9 sections, all of them jam-packed with challenges and explanation :student:

We will be covering all of this (and more besides!)

:point_right: The spread operator and object destructuring
:point_right: Loops and methods
:point_right: Function expressions and arrow functions
:point_right: Default and rest parameters
:point_right: The Event Loop
:point_right: Asynchronous JavaScript and handling APIs (fetch requests, promises, Promise.all, JSON)
:point_right: Logical operators and coalescing
:point_right: Object manipulation and the β€œthis” keyword
:point_right: Creating custom objects with classes and constructors
:point_right: Inheritance and the prototype chain
:point_right: Static methods and private fields
:point_right: Map, Set, and Symbol
:point_right: Closures
:point_right: Recursion
:point_right: Throttling and debouncing functions
:point_right: Generators

Here’s the link: Advanced JavaScript

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