Unable to get Frontend Developer Career Path Certificate after completion

I recently completed the frontend developer career path course and can’t get my certificate. i read a similiar topic discussion and still not satisfied with the answers. The Frontend Developer Career Path does offer certificate and after completing it I did not see any button to my Certificate. Please I need your assistance.

I remember before scrimba v2, there was a dedicated section guiding users on how to get their certificate after completion.

Hey @Samuel, sorry about that we’re still rolling this out on V2 so should be out soon. I’ve just manually released it for you via our V1 system so please see this link here: Scrimba.

Once the V2 certificates get released you should be able to access it on V2.

Thank you so much for your assistance. The certificate is not downloadable

Ah our V1 doesn’t have that option so what you have to do is just right-click and then go to “Print”. You should then have an option to save the page as PDF. Let me know if you have any issues with this.