Using React with Wordpress Course?

Yesterdays Town Hall got me to thinking… would anyone else find value in Scrimba designing a course for using React with Wordpress or more broadly, Wordpress theme creation?


I think this is a great idea! I know that if there was a course available, I would for sure consume it!


Can totally see an opportunity there! We’re starting to explore more avenues where we can teach our students how to integrate their programming skills with external tools. Since there’s so many tools that people can leverage to make useful products along with straight up code there’s great value there.

Wordpress is one of the originals for these sorts of tools too! Even just integrating the Wordpress CMS into a Scrimba project would be super cool. If anyone does that, let me know, would be great to see!


@artwired @rlharsh (and anyone else that sees this) Do you use Wordpress or find yourself in need of using it? Haven’t used Wordpress in a while so curious how many of our students have used it.


I like this idea, Brad!

People like to hate on Wordpress, but the fact is that a significant part of the web is powered by Wordpress

Wordpress is also a gateway into the development world for a lot of developers

If you know how to make your own customer Wordpress themes you can start making some real money pretty fast

Which is excellent for developers wanting to get a more “real” development position, but still have to have a real world skill that can bring in cash


Thanks! It would be cool if the courses got into the PHP/Codex of it all, as well! working with hooks, etc…

Yes, I have used Wordpress a fair amount in the past… clients use it quite a bit so I felt compelled to learn it. I would love to have more control over the themes though and to feel more comfortable building themes from scratch. Also, using React with Wordpress is definitely not in my skill set at the moment :slight_smile:


Yes, this exactly! I have seen numerous people hiring, but, they always seem to be looking for people with Wordpress experience/know-how, and right now, I know-how to do next to nothing! There is a reason I have been subscribed to Scrimba for almost two-years now, not that I cannot get a job, but, because no other site delivers this wealth of content in a free & open manner!


At my current position with a small ad agency, we build everything in Wordpress. I joined Scrimba to increase my javascript/react skills. It would be useful to see a course that teaches the best ways to integrate these skills within the platform. I’d be interested in a course on custom themes or plugins.


This ^, plus so much of the web being WP. It’d be nice to have in my back pocket. I have some WP courses on Udemy I need to get to one day. I didn’t even know you could use React with WP.