Tagging one of our teachers here for you.
@bobziroll not sure if I am missing something super obvious with the file path reference, or something is wrong with the image itself.
I’m not seeing anything obvious from the screenshot. A link to the scrim would be a lot more helpful though so we could play with the code a bit and see if we can figure it out from there.
The first thing that comes to mind is to try and import the resource instead.
import globe from "/images/globe.png" // Or possibly "./images/globe.png"?
<img src={globe} alt="..."/>
See if that works. And if you can provide a URL to your scrim, that would be helpful too.
@bobziroll here’s a link to the scrim: spring-silence
Tried the import method too but couldn’t get it to render. I’ve got some internet issues today so might be on my side…
It’s not working for me either. Just posted it to the team on Slack to see if we can figure out what’s going on.